May I Talk About Trees?

It’s May. Not when I look out the window. But it’s time to tell the world about some great tree plantings last spring.

How often do you know someone who turns 100? I thought my friend’s mother certainly deserved a tree. Betty and I went to the park to see the tree right after it was planted and hoped to bring her mother there to dedicate it. Sadly she died before we could make that happen and now it will be a memorial tree for her family.image

There was another memorial tree in May. The tree was won at the Library Foundation auction by a friend. He wanted to honor one of his friends who was a birder so he decided on a crabapple to be planted among many crabapple trees in the arboretum. The birds will love it.image

How does one tree grow into a grove? The winner of the 2013 Cliff/Cannon Neighborhood Tree of the year chose to put the Susie Forest tree she won on her own parkway. She had so much room on her corner lot that the arborist found more trees to plant and voila! – a grove. Years from now that will be a beautiful shady street. image

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